Best League of Legends Champions
League of legends

Explored The Best League of Legends Champions

League of Legends, a highly popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, offers a vast array of champions, each with unique abilities and playstyles. Choosing the right champion can significantly impact your gameplay experience, making it crucial to understand which champions excel in various roles and situations. will explore the Best League of Legends Champions across different roles, including those suited for beginners and advanced players, champions ideal for solo queue, team play, and those dominating the current meta.

Criteria for Selecting the Best League of Legends Champions

Selecting the best champions involves several criteria. Popularity and pick rate are important as they indicate the champions’ overall acceptance and reliability among players. Win rate and performance across various skill tiers provide insight into a champion’s effectiveness. Versatility and ease of use are also critical factors, as champions that can adapt to different scenarios and are easy to learn generally perform better. Lastly, the role in the current meta and recent patches play a significant role in determining the best champions, as game updates can drastically alter champion viability.

Best League of Legends Champions by Role

Best League of Legends Champions
Best League of Legends Champions

Top Lane

  1. Garen: Known for his straightforward playstyle and resilience, Garen is a top pick for top lane. His tankiness and damage output make him a formidable opponent, capable of sustaining and dealing significant damage.
  2. Darius: Darius is another strong top laner, renowned for his ability to dominate opponents with his high damage and sustain. His passive ability, Hemorrhage, combined with his ultimate, Noxian Guillotine, can turn the tide of battle.
  3. Camille: Camille offers high mobility and strong engage potential. Her precision protocol and adaptive defenses make her a versatile fighter capable of diving into the backline and securing kills.


  1. Lee Sin: Lee Sin is a versatile and skill-intensive jungler known for his mobility and playmaking potential. His early game presence and ability to execute complex combos make him a favorite among skilled players.
  2. Kha’Zix: Kha’Zix excels in picking off isolated targets. His ability to evolve and adapt during the game allows him to remain a constant threat, particularly in the mid to late game.
  3. Evelynn: Evelynn’s stealth and high burst damage make her a deadly assassin in the jungle. Her ability to surprise opponents and quickly eliminate squishy targets is invaluable.

Mid Lane

  1. Yasuo: Yasuo is a high-risk, high-reward champion with immense outplay potential. His mobility and critical strike synergy make him a formidable mid-laner capable of carrying games.
  2. Ahri: Ahri offers a blend of mobility, damage, and crowd control. Her charm ability can catch enemies off guard, while her ultimate, Spirit Rush, provides excellent mobility.
  3. Zed: Zed is a powerful assassin with a strong laning phase and exceptional dueling capabilities. His ability to outplay opponents with shadows and burst down targets makes him a top choice for aggressive players.

ADC (Attack Damage Carry)

  1. Jhin: Jhin is a unique ADC known for his high burst damage and long-range engage potential. His ultimate, Curtain Call, can initiate fights or finish off fleeing enemies.
  2. Kai’Sa: Kai’Sa is a versatile ADC with strong scaling and hybrid damage. Her ability to reposition in fights and adapt her build to different situations makes her a reliable pick.
  3. Miss Fortune: Miss Fortune excels in dealing area-of-effect damage with her ultimate, Bullet Time. Her strong laning phase and team fight presence make her a consistent performer.


  1. Thresh: Thresh is a versatile support with excellent crowd control and playmaking potential. His Death Sentence hook and The Box ultimate can turn the tide of battles.
  2. Lulu: Lulu provides strong utility and protection for her team. Her polymorph ability and ultimate, Wild Growth, can save allies and disrupt enemies.
  3. Leona: Leona is a tanky support with high engage potential. Her crowd control abilities, particularly her Solar Flare ultimate, can initiate team fights and lock down key targets.

Best Champions for Beginners

Best League of Legends Champions
Best League of Legends Champions

For new players, champions that are easy to learn and forgiving are ideal. These champions offer straightforward mechanics and strong performance, allowing beginners to focus on learning the game fundamentals without being overwhelmed.

  1. Garen (Top): Garen’s simple mechanics and strong sustain make him a great choice for beginners in the top lane. His passive regeneration and powerful abilities are easy to understand and use effectively.
  2. Amumu (Jungle): Amumu’s straightforward jungle clear and powerful crowd control make him an excellent choice for new junglers. His ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy, can turn team fights in your favor.
  3. Annie (Mid): Annie’s simple kit and burst damage make her a strong mid-lane pick for beginners. Her passive stun and ultimate, Summon: Tibbers, can quickly eliminate enemies.
  4. Ashe (ADC): Ashe provides utility and consistent damage. Her ultimate, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, is a great tool for initiating fights and her kiting potential is excellent for learning positioning.
  5. Sona (Support): Sona’s straightforward abilities and strong utility make her a great support for beginners. Her auras provide constant benefits to allies, and her ultimate, Crescendo, can stun multiple enemies.

Best League of Legends Champions for Advanced Players

Advanced players often seek champions with high skill ceilings and potential for mastery. These champions offer complex mechanics and the ability to outplay opponents, rewarding those who invest time in mastering them.

  1. Riven (Top): Riven’s high mobility and combo potential make her a favorite among advanced players. Her intricate mechanics and outplay potential are highly rewarding.
  2. Nidalee (Jungle): Nidalee’s versatility and skill-intensive playstyle make her a challenging yet rewarding jungler. Her ability to switch between human and cougar forms offers a diverse set of abilities.
  3. Azir (Mid): Azir’s complex kit and high skill ceiling make him a powerful mid-laner for advanced players. His ability to control space and reposition allies and enemies can be game-changing.
  4. Draven (ADC): Draven’s high damage output and unique mechanics make him a formidable ADC for skilled players. Catching his spinning axes and managing his passive can lead to high rewards.
  5. Thresh (Support): Thresh’s playmaking potential and versatile kit make him a challenging support to master. His ability to save allies and engage on enemies offers high strategic value.

Best League of Legends Champions for Solo Queue

Best League of Legends Champions
Best League of Legends Champions

In solo queue, champions with high carry potential and solo play effectiveness are crucial. These champions can take over games and have the ability to influence outcomes independently.

  1. Fiora (Top): Fiora’s dueling capabilities and split-push potential make her a strong solo queue champion. Her ability to outplay opponents and dominate in one-on-one situations is invaluable.
  2. Graves (Jungle): Graves’ strong early game and scaling make him a potent jungler for solo queue. His ability to clear camps quickly and impact lanes early can snowball games.
  3. Katarina (Mid): Katarina’s reset mechanic and high burst damage allow her to clean up fights and carry games. Her mobility and ability to capitalize on chaotic team fights make her a solo queue menace.
  4. Vayne (ADC): Vayne’s late-game scaling and high mobility make her a powerful ADC for solo queue. Her ability to outplay opponents and deal true damage is crucial in extended fights.
  5. Pyke (Support): Pyke’s assassin-like playstyle and execution potential make him a unique support for solo queue. His ability to roam and secure kills can snowball games in your favor.

Best League of Legends Champions for Team Play

In coordinated team play, champions that offer strong synergy with teammates and overall utility are vital. These champions excel in providing crowd control, protection, and strategic advantages.

  1. Shen (Top): Shen’s global ultimate, Stand United, allows him to protect teammates and turn fights around the map. His tankiness and taunt ability make him a reliable frontliner.
  2. Jarvan IV (Jungle): Jarvan IV’s engage potential and team fight presence make him a strong jungler for team play. His Cataclysm ultimate can trap multiple enemies and set up kills for his team.
  3. Orianna (Mid): Orianna’s utility and crowd control abilities make her a valuable mid-laner for team play. Her ultimate, Command: Shockwave, can be a game-changing tool in coordinated fights.
  4. Jinx (ADC): Jinx’s scaling and AoE damage make her a powerful ADC in team play. Her passive, Get Excited!, allows her to capitalize on team fights and chase down fleeing enemies.
  5. Braum (Support): Braum’s protective abilities and crowd control make him an excellent support for team play. His passive, Concussive Blows, and ultimate, Glacial Fissure, provide significant utility in fights.

Best Champions in the Current Meta

The meta in League of Legends is constantly evolving due to regular patches and updates. Understanding which champions are strong in the current meta can give players a competitive edge.

  1. Malphite (Top): Malphite’s tankiness and engage potential make him a strong pick in the current meta. His ultimate, Unstoppable Force, can initiate fights and disrupt the enemy team.
  2. Hecarim (Jungle): Hecarim’s mobility and burst damage make him a formidable jungler in the current meta. His ability to gank effectively and engage in team fights is highly valuable.
  3. Syndra (Mid): Syndra’s burst damage and crowd control abilities make her a powerful mid-laner in the current meta. Her ultimate, Unleashed Power, can quickly eliminate priority targets.
  4. Aphelios (ADC): Aphelios’ versatility and high damage output make him a top-tier ADC in the current meta. His diverse weapon kit allows him to adapt to various situations and team compositions.
  5. Alistar (Support): Alistar’s tankiness and crowd control make him a strong support in the current meta. His ability to engage and peel for his team is crucial in coordinated fights.


Choosing the right champion in League of Legends can significantly impact your gameplay experience. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, there are champions suited to your skill level and playstyle. From solo queue powerhouses to team play specialists, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each champion can help you make informed decisions and improve your performance. As the meta evolves, staying updated with the best champions will ensure you remain competitive and adaptable in this dynamic game.


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