League of legends

Title: Taming the Yeti: A Nunu-anced Approach to Countering Kha’Zix in the Jungle


As the jungler, navigating the wilds of Summoner’s Rift often means facing off against a myriad of champions. One such formidable opponent is Kha’Zix, the Voidreaver, known for his isolation damage and stealthy maneuvers. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the art of countering Kha’Zix specifically with Nunu, the Yeti Rider. Buckle up as we explore unique strategies and unleash the yeti’s potential against the void predator.

Understanding Kha’Zix’s Hunt:

To effectively counter Kha’Zix, it’s crucial to comprehend his strengths. He excels in isolating and bursting down targets, making him a potent duelist in the early game. Nunu, on the other hand, brings a tanky frontline presence, strong objective control, and crowd control to the table. Our unique approach will leverage Nunu’s strengths to disrupt Kha’Zix’s predatory tendencies.

1. Champion Synergy: Yeti and Boy – Unlikely Allies

Choosing Nunu as your jungler is the first step in countering Kha’Zix. Nunu’s ability to disrupt and control the battlefield with his Q (Consume) and W (Biggest Snowball Ever!) makes him a formidable opponent for Kha’Zix. Nunu’s tankiness and crowd control can neutralize Kha’Zix’s attempts to isolate and burst down targets, turning the tide of skirmishes in your favor.

2. Vision Control: Snowballing Vision Dominance

Kha’Zix thrives in the darkness of the jungle, utilizing fog of war to strike from the shadows. Counter this by establishing a snowballing vision dominance. Utilize Nunu’s W to scout and control vision around key areas, denying Kha’Zix the element of surprise. With superior vision, your team can anticipate his movements and set up counterganks effectively.

3. Counter-Jungling: Yeti Raids and Buff Denials

Turn the tables on Kha’Zix by being the aggressor in the jungle. Nunu’s Q allows for efficient counter-jungling, stealing camps and buffs from Kha’Zix. Deny him the resources he needs to snowball and assert your dominance in the jungle. Coordinate with your laners to collapse on Kha’Zix when he’s vulnerable during his jungle clears.

4. Objective Control: The Yeti’s Claim to the Rift

Kha’Zix poses a threat when it comes to securing objectives, thanks to his isolation damage. Nunu, however, excels in objective control with his Q, securing buffs, Dragons, and Barons. Leverage Nunu’s ability to secure objectives efficiently, denying Kha’Zix the opportunity to capitalize on isolated targets during epic monster fights.

5. Isolation Awareness: Snowballing to the Rescue

Nunu’s W, the Biggest Snowball Ever!, is not only a powerful engage tool but also a lifesaver against isolation attempts. Use it to disrupt Kha’Zix’s combos, protect your teammates, and turn the tables in skirmishes. The slow and knock-up effect can be a game-changer, rendering Kha’Zix’s isolation attempts less effective.

6. Build Synergy: Tankiness and Control

Adapt your itemization to maximize Nunu’s potential against Kha’Zix. Prioritize tanky items such as Sunfire Aegis and Spirit Visage to withstand Kha’Zix’s burst. Additionally, consider items with crowd control effects like Frostfire Gauntlet to enhance Nunu’s disruptive capabilities.

7. Late Game Focus: Yeti’s Ascendance

While Kha’Zix’s strength often lies in the early game, Nunu shines as the match progresses. Focus on efficient farming, scaling, and making impactful decisions in the late game. Nunu’s ability to initiate team fights and disrupt the enemy team becomes increasingly valuable, giving your team a significant advantage.


Countering Kha’Zix with Nunu involves playing to the Yeti Rider’s unique strengths. By leveraging Nunu’s crowd control, vision control, objective dominance, and tankiness, you can turn Kha’Zix’s hunt into a futile endeavor. Embrace the synergy between the yeti and the boy, and let the frosty duo dictate the pace of the game on the Summoner’s Rift. Remember, the key to success lies not only in understanding your opponent but in unlocking the full potential of your chosen champion.


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